Thursday, March 11, 2010

Basketball Playoffs!

The Lady Knights played against Bayview but lost during the quarter finals. Great Season Girls!

Spring Sports

Spring Sports are starting up again next week! Welcome back:
-Boy's and Girl's  Track
-Coed  Golf
-Girl's  Softball
-Boy's Baseball
-Boy's Volleyball
-Boy's Tennis

Come Join, You Could Meet Some New People and Just Have Fun!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Track Practice

Track officially starts March 15th so get in shape with captain’s practices everyday after school this week, hope to see you there.

Exeter-West Greenwich vs Bayview

The Girl's Basketball team will be going against Bayview Academy this Sunday March 7 at 1:30 at the RICC center. Come support the girl's and cheer them on.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sports4Kids Comedy Knight!

Sport 4 Kids Comedy Night!  6th annual show and Silent Auction
When: March 20, 2010 (Cocktails start at 6 p.m.)
Where: Quonset O’ Club North Kingstown
Show Headliner: Frank O’Donnell (The North Providence guy!)
Master of Ceremonies: Jim Hummel  (The TV guy!)
How to order Comedy Night tickets: (Reply by March  12, 2010):Send a check payable to EWG Kids, Inc., 17 Locust Valley Rd, Exeter, R.I. 02816. For more information contact Sharon  at: or 294-9272. All contributions are tax deductible.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Girl's Basketball Team Advances

Girl’s Varsity Basketball team beat Coventry last night 61-59.  Come support the girl’s as they play in the quarter finals against Bayview on Sunday (March 7) at RIC @ 1:00 p.m. Come support the team!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lady Knights Playoff Game

The lady knight's play off game will be held tonight  (March 3) at the Exeter-West Greenwich High School against Coventry High School, Come support our team at 7:00pm tonight!